Automatic or scheduled backups
Local backup via Geforce software
Submit tickets to technical support
File encryption during backup and storage
Bandwidth throttling
In-client, in-Windows, web-based, & DVD restores
Desktop/laptop support for Windows/Mac/Linux
Web-based anywhere file access
Network drive support for Windows/Mac/Linux
Server support for Windows/Mac/Linux
Exchange Server Information Store backup
Exchange individual mailboxes backup
SQL Server / My SQL
Share Point
VMware/Hyper-V virtual machines backup
Host24 uses Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) to create a snapshot of files before backing up. Host24 can therefore even backup files that are open by other applications. Also using the VSS service, Host24 ensures that the files are in consistent state during backup.
Host24’s file backup doesn’t copy the files to another location before backing up. Host24 reads the files, identifies the changes blocks, compresses and encrypts the data on the fly making it very efficient.
Host24 uses Windows Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS) to create a snapshot of files before backing up. Host24 can therefore even backup files that are open by other applications. Also using the VSS service, Host24 ensures that the files are in consistent state during backup.
Host24 supports weekly, daily, hourly and continuous automatic scheduling of backups. The backup jobs can be configured to run one after the other or multiple jobs can be scheduled to run at the same time.
When backup set is large and network bandwidth is limited, it could take days for the initial backup to complete. In such cases, backups can be run to a locally attached disk, the disk can then be shipped to the site where the backup server is located and the data can be imported from the disk into the backup server.
Over a period of time, the amount of content that has changed in a file since its initial full backup could grow, making the incremental backups larger and larger. Host24 can automatically limit the size of incremental by running a synthetic full backup of the file based on a user set limit. Thereafter, the incremental of the file will be only the changed data with respect to the last synthetic full and not with respect to the initial full backup of the file.
Host24 retention policies for the backup data can be configured based on the number of versions and based on the age of the version files. Separate retention policies can be set for delete files and folders.
Host24 can backup files from any external drives – mapped network drives, NAS drives etc. As long as the user is able to access the files from any of these sources, Host24 will also be able to back them up.
Host24 can be installed in virtual machines running any of the supported OSes (Windows, Linux, Mac, Solaris, FreeBSD) to back up the data from the virtual machines. Host24 can also backup the entire virtual machine in VMware, Hyper-V and Xen* systems.
Host24’s data integrity check makes sure that the data is stored exactly as it left the source machine that is backed up. If the integrity check fails due to data corruption during the transfer of data, Host24 makes sure the data is retransmitted.
Host24 client can restore its data to a different machine running another instance of Host24 client. This is helpful when the machine that is being restored doesn’t have enough disk space yet for the restored data.
Host24 supports backing up data from several applications like Exchange, MS SQL, SharePoint Servers, MySQL databases. On top of this, Host24 also support user plugins where scripts could be written to first extract the data from the applications to be backed up and then automatically backing up that data.
Host24 can back up users" mailboxes from an Exchange Sever. It can backup at a folder level. You can backup all the data of a particular user (mailbox) or you can backup just a folder (like for example the inbox of a user) or you could backup a sub-folder (like for example, a sub-folder in the inbox). Host24 can also restore individual emails into the Exchange server.
Host24 supports site-collection level backup of SharePoint versions SPS2003/WSS2.0, MOSS2007/WSS3.0 and MS SharePoint 2010. Host24 uses SharePoint server APIs to backup SharePoint site-collections. Host24 uploads just the changed data during the incremental backups.
Host24 supports backup of Microsoft SQL servers. Host24 uses VDI API to backup database(s). Host24 supports Full, Differential and Transaction Log backups. Full backup backs up the entire database. Differential backup backs up only modified extents since the previous full backup. And Transaction log backup backs up the active portion and truncates the inactive portion of the transaction log.
Host24 supports backup of MySQL databases. Host24 supports Full and Incremental MySQL database backups while data is online and accessible and yet the data backed up is always consistent. Full backup type backs up the entire MySQL database. Incremental backup type backs up only modified extents since the previous Full backup.
Host24 supports site-collection level backup of SharePoint versions SPS2003/WSS2.0, MOSS2007/WSS3.0 and MS SharePoint 2010. Host24 uses SharePoint server APIs to backup SharePoint site-collections. Host24 uploads just the changed data during the incremental backups.
Instant restore by booting up as a virtual machine (P2V) Host24 Disk image backups are in VHD format by default and therefore can be quickly booted up as a virtual machine in a Hyper-V server. The VHD based backups can also be converted into VMware file format (VMDK) and booted up as virtual machines in VMware ESX servers. This helps MSPs to provide an efficient Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity service to their customers.
Restore jobs can be initiated from the agent machine or from the backup server. This provides the ability for Hosting Providers to restore data at the server which they manage and ship the disk with the restored data to their customer.
Sometimes it may be required that some of the files have to be restored from previous versions while the latest version has to be restored for rest of the files. Host24’s restore lets you do that.
Restore jobs initiated to an offsite backup server could sometimes take a longer time to complete depending upon the available network bandwidth and data size. Host24 can resume restore from exactly where if left off in case the restore job gets interrupted due to, say network failure.
Host24 can backup entire virtual machine centrally without having to install the agent in each of the virtual machines. Host24 currently supports backing up of VMware and Hyper-V VMs. Backing up Xen, KVM virtual machin es and Virtuozzo Containers is currently in development and will be available soon.
Host24 uses VMware’s APIs to backup virtual machines (VMs) running on ESX and ESXi Servers. A single installation of Host24 client can backup VMs running on multiple ESX/ESXi servers. Host24 client can also connect to vCenter Server to backup all the VMs that the vCenter server manages. Host24 can directly backup the VMs from the source to the backup server without having to first dump the data locally in a temporary storage in Host24 client machine. Host24 supports incremental backup of VMware VMs. ESX 3.0, ESX 3.5, ESXi 3.5, ESX 4.x and ESXi 4.x and VMware Server 2.0 Virtual Machines are supported
Host24 supports backing up all versions of Exchange server – Exchange 2010, 2007, 2003 and 2000. Host24 efficiently backs up Exchange server using Exchange Server APIs without impacting the live server. Host24 supports backup of storage groups in entirety, as well as individual databases within the storage groups. Backing up databases individually provides greater storage management flexibility. For example, critical databases might be backed up more frequently. Host24 can run differential and incremental log backup of Exchange Server. Host24 also supports Synthetic Full Backup where complete full [backup] dump of the selected databases and all necessary log files is done but only the changed data with respect to the previous full backup /synthetic full backup is uploaded to the backup server. This is useful to keep the number incremental log files under limit and yet not having to run full backups frequently.
Host24 installed in the Hyper-V Host Server can backup the VMs running on it. Host24 uses Microsoft VSS to make sure the VMs are in a consistent state before backing up. Host24 backs up only the changed data in the VMs during incremental backup. Host24 can backup the data directly to the remote backup server without requiring a temporary storage space in the Hyper-V server that is backed up.